29 July 2011

no more BAD BREATH!

50% of all
        adults suffer from
            BAD BREATH

We all suffer from bad breath at some point, and worse still, our sense of smell can undergo an “adjustment” or sensory blockage in the same way that we are unable to recognize 
the fragrance of our won cologne or perfume.

Therefore in order not to offend others with our bad breath we are forced to speak by drawing breath inwards, ie. Without exhaling.

“Don’t BREATHE on me”

BAD BREATH has two different origins
·       Major plaque build up
·       Periodontal problems
·       Xerostomia or dry mouth syndrome
·       Changes in breath fragrance (medication, viriasis, candidiasis, smoking, alcohol)
·       Badly fitting prostheses or deep cavities
·       Highly plaque – retentive tongue

  • High amounts of digested bacterial plaque
  • Slimming diets
  • Heavy meals, tobacco, alcohol, garlic, onion
  • Early morning bad breath
  • Prolonged intervals without eating
  • Medications
  • Internal body disorders

26 July 2011

Brush Better

Why is brushing essential?
Proper brushing is essential for cleaning the teeth and gums effectively.

How long does it take to properly brush the teeth?
Proper brushing takes at least two minutes. Whether you are using a regular toothbrush or a powered toothbrush, you should spend 30 seconds brushing each section of your mouth (upper right and left, lower right and left.)

What is the right way to brush?
To properly brush your teeth, use short, gentle strokes, paying extra attention to the gumline, hard-to-reach back teeth and areas around fillings, crowns or other restorations. The correct tooth brushing steps are as follows:
1.       Place the toothbrush at a 45-degree angle towards the gumline. Use gentle, short strokes, moving the brush back and forth against the teeth and gums.
2.     Brush inside surface of each tooth in a similar way.
3.     Brush chewing surface of each tooth.
4.    Use tip of brush to brush behind each front tooth, both top and bottom.
5.     For a fresher breath, don’t forget to brush your tongue!

What type of toothbrush should be used?
Most dental professionals agree that a soft-bristled brush is best for removing plaque and debris from your teeth. Small-headed brushes are also preferable, since they can better reach all areas of the mouth, including hard-to-reach back teeth.

What is a powered toothbrush and how is it used?
Better results can be achieved with powered toothbrushes that utilize oscillating-rotating technology than with regular, manual toothbrushes. It can do a better job of cleaning teeth, particularly for those who have difficulty brushing. Powered toothbrushes can be used as follows:

1.        Guide the brush head slowly from tooth to tooth, following the curve of the gum and the shape of each tooth. Hold the brush head in place for a few seconds before moving on to the next tooth.

2.  Don’t forget to reach all areas, including the inner and chewing surfaces, and behind your back teeth.

3.  Direct the brush head along the gumline. No need to press hard or scrub. Simply let the brush do all the work.

DO’S and DON’TS for toothbrush care

19 July 2011


Do you ever wake up in the morning with a sore mouth or jaw? Have you ever slept over at a friend's house and been told, You grind your teeth when you sleep? If so, you might have bruxism.

Bruxism is a condition in which you grind or clench your teeth. It is a habit rather than a reflex chewing activity. If you are bruxist, you may unconsciously clench your teeth together during the day or grind them at night, which is called sleep bruxism.

Bruxism may be mild and may not even require treatment. However, it can be frequent and severe enough to lead to physical and oral symtoms are developed. Therefore, it's important to know the signs and symptoms of bruxism and to seek regular dental care.

Effects of bruxism
Symptoms and signs of bruxism, which can vary from mildly irritate to medically dangerous, depending on the severity of the condition.

1.     Physical symptoms
·        Headache
·        TMJ (temporamandibular joint) discomfort
·        Facial myalgia (muscle pain)
·        Ear ache- because of severe jaw muscle contractions, not a problem with your ear
·        Tightness and stiffness of the shoulders
·        Limitation of mouth opening
·        Sleep disruption of the individual as well as the bed partner
2.     Oral symptoms
·        Abnormal tooth wear
·        Fracture of the teeth and fillings
·        Teeth sensitivity
·        Gums damage
·        Excessive tooth mobility 

Fractured tooth

Attrition and dentine exposure


Abnormal tooth wear

Who is at risk of from bruxism?

Doctors don't completely understand what causes bruxism.
However, the risk of bruxism is increasing if people with,
  • Stressfull  lifestyle
  • Another sleep disorder, such as:
    • Snoring
    • Obstructive sleep apnoea
    • Sleep talking
  • Young children- it usually goes away by adolescence

  • ·         Stimulating substances

o    Smokers
o    High alcohol intake
o    Drink 6 or more cups a day of tea or coffee
  • An uncommon side effect of some psychiatric medications-sleep, depression and anxiety

What Can I Do to Stop Grinding My Teeth?

  • ·         Avoid stress - Learn stress management and relaxation techniques. Seek professional counseling if necessary.
  • ·         Avoid caffeinated and alcoholic beverage - it often make the problem worse.
  • ·         Wear a mouth guard - to prevent tooth damage caused by bruxism. 

Mouth Guard= habit breaker

Red circle-the spot where the teeth grind

Other tips to help you stop teeth grinding include:

  • Do not chew on pencils or pens or anything that is not food. 
  • Avoid chewing gum as it allows your jaw muscles to get more used to clenching and makes you more likely to grind your teeth.
  • Train yourself not to clench or grind your teeth. If you notice that you clench or grind during the day, position the tip of your tongue between your teeth. This practice trains your jaw muscles to relax.
  • Relax your jaw muscles at night by holding a warm washcloth against your cheek in front of your earlobe.


口臭!--不是病, 可是真的要人命!








18 July 2011










要想根除这种病症,那就得徒牙齿咬合的调整做起。牙齿就是要将那些不吻合的地方加以修整予以合适的咬合关系。当这种修整的工作有许多种,可以用矫正方法来完成,也就是将位置 不正确的牙齿移动到正确位置。



15 July 2011

=0至6岁幼儿清洁口腔的方法 =

  • 让宝宝的口腔清洁
  • 使宝宝长大後较易学习及适应刷牙
  • 令宝宝习惯有清洁舒服的口腔
  • 预备纱布、棉花或手帕及一杯白开水
  • 彻底清洁双手
  • 用纱布、棉花或手帕裹着手指,沾些白开水
  • 然後轻轻放进宝宝口腔内,贴着牙肉从上至下绕一个圈来抹乾净
  • 如宝宝不愿意张开口,怎样才能替他抹口腔?
  • 抹口腔时,宝宝咬着家长的手指怎麽办?
  • 抹不到宝宝口腔後面的牙肉,怎麽办?
  • 最适合在什麽时候替孩子抹口腔?
  • 孩子吃完睡前的一餐奶,抹乾净口腔後却不肯睡觉,要求再次吃奶,怎麽办?
    选择在孩子吃完睡前的一餐奶抹口腔,是为了培养孩子有定时清洁口腔的习惯,并让他习惯有一个清洁舒服的口腔才睡觉,渐渐地他便不会再次要求喝奶。很多时 候,宝宝睡前要求喝奶,其实是一种习惯,家长可尝试用清水喂哺他,亦可用其他方法哄他入睡,例如轻轻拍他、唱歌、讲故事等等。
  • 如果宝宝口腔出现飞滋 (复发性口疮),还应该替他抹口腔吗?

  • 先刷全部牙齿的外侧面
  • 再刷所有牙齿的内侧面
  • 最後刷全部臼齿的咀嚼面
  • 家长帮宝宝刷牙时,可让他坐在你的大腿上或让他躺在床上,这样会较容易看清楚宝宝的牙齿。
孩子2岁後,可让他学习自己刷。在孩子26岁前这个阶段,家长要为他转用一支刷头长度不超过两毫子硬币直径的牙刷孩子懂得吐水, 应让他用一粒青豆般分量的含氟化物儿童牙膏,每天起床及晚上睡前刷牙由於孩子的手部小肌肉尚在发育中刷牙技巧未能完全掌握,为了确保孩子的牙齿刷 得乾净,家长每晚替他补刷牙齿一次

  • 牙科医生可藉着宝宝每年的口腔纪录,监察他的情况,确保他的口腔健康
  • 牙科医生可向家长提供适切宝宝需要的口腔护理指导,让宝宝尽早养成良好的口腔护理习惯,预防牙患
  • 若宝宝在全部乳齿完全长出後才作定期检查,他可能已经养成了不适当的饮食习惯及不良的口腔卫生习惯,甚至已有牙患
  • 宝宝自小有检查口腔的习惯,他能在轻松愉快的口腔检查过程中与牙科医生建立良好的关系,日後更易於与牙科医生合作

  • 告诉孩子牙医会照顾他的牙齿
  • 向孩子描述牙科诊所的环境和牙医的工作,跟他玩检查口腔的角色扮演游戏
  • 预先告诉孩子检查口腔的日期,让他做好心理准备