25 September 2011


 Are you happy with the way your teeth look? Are you unwilling to smile because your teeth are less pearly white? Are you worried that your teeth are discolored by coffee, tea or smoking? Do you lack of self-confidence because your teeth are stained by tetracycline? Are you angry that you bought whitening toothpaste and it hasn’t improved the color of your teeth?

Now, the cold-light tooth whitening will solve all these problems. In just 30 minutes you can have beautiful white teeth.

Every child starts off with beautiful white teeth, but colored foods and drinks like coffee and soy sauce can discolor the surface of your teeth. After the time these stains penetrate deep inside the teeth. Just like white clothes which have picked up dyes and can never regain their original brightness, stained teeth are very difficult to whiten with conventional methods.

The cold-light whitening advance technology cleans both the surface and the internal structure of the teeth. The whole whitening process takes only 30 minutes. Over a million Americans have used this method. Using low temperature, cold light avoids irritation of the nerves of the teeth. It is a one-time treatment with no side effects, whitening the teeth for up to two years. It is recognized as the safest and most effective way of whitening the teeth currently available.

Frequently asked questions
1.    Q: Are my teeth suitable for cold-light whitening?
A: In fact, cold-light whitening gives magical results for anyone who wants to whiten their teeth. This includes people with teeth which have been stained by smoking or by substances like coffee or tea. It also whitens teeth stained by tetracycline, speckled by fluoride or yellowed by medicines or hereditary discoloration.

2.    Q: How white could my teeth be?
A: Test proved that, after whitening the teeth score from 5 to 14 points higher on the VITA scale. The results depend on how discolored the teeth were originally, but the end result will be white, shiny teeth.

3.     Q: How long will the whitening last?
A: This varies from person to person and depends on your diet, but the effect should usually last for two years.

4.    Q: What is the difference between cold-light whitening and other method of whitening?
A: This technique whitens your teeth right away and has no side effects. It does not damage your teeth, and gives the best possible results.

5.    Q: How long does treatment take with cold-light whitening?
A: in only 30 to 40 minutes, discoloration which has built up over the years will magically disappear. It takes no longer than the time it would for you to have a haircut or a manicure, or have a cup of coffee-it’s that simple!

6.    Q: How safe is cold-light whitening?
A: The cold whitening technique is absolutely safe. Because cold light at low temperature, it cannot irritate the nerves of your teeth. Also, the whitening fluid is water based and does not come into contact with your gums, and will not damage your teeth or tooth enamel.

7.    Q: After the treatment, how do I care for my white smile?
A: for the first 24 hours after the cold light whitening , avoid smoking, drinking coffee, tea, cola, red wine and other dark-colored drinks or foods. Also avoid using colored mouthwash or toothpaste.


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