25 September 2011


 Are you happy with the way your teeth look? Are you unwilling to smile because your teeth are less pearly white? Are you worried that your teeth are discolored by coffee, tea or smoking? Do you lack of self-confidence because your teeth are stained by tetracycline? Are you angry that you bought whitening toothpaste and it hasn’t improved the color of your teeth?

Now, the cold-light tooth whitening will solve all these problems. In just 30 minutes you can have beautiful white teeth.

Every child starts off with beautiful white teeth, but colored foods and drinks like coffee and soy sauce can discolor the surface of your teeth. After the time these stains penetrate deep inside the teeth. Just like white clothes which have picked up dyes and can never regain their original brightness, stained teeth are very difficult to whiten with conventional methods.

The cold-light whitening advance technology cleans both the surface and the internal structure of the teeth. The whole whitening process takes only 30 minutes. Over a million Americans have used this method. Using low temperature, cold light avoids irritation of the nerves of the teeth. It is a one-time treatment with no side effects, whitening the teeth for up to two years. It is recognized as the safest and most effective way of whitening the teeth currently available.

Frequently asked questions
1.    Q: Are my teeth suitable for cold-light whitening?
A: In fact, cold-light whitening gives magical results for anyone who wants to whiten their teeth. This includes people with teeth which have been stained by smoking or by substances like coffee or tea. It also whitens teeth stained by tetracycline, speckled by fluoride or yellowed by medicines or hereditary discoloration.

2.    Q: How white could my teeth be?
A: Test proved that, after whitening the teeth score from 5 to 14 points higher on the VITA scale. The results depend on how discolored the teeth were originally, but the end result will be white, shiny teeth.

3.     Q: How long will the whitening last?
A: This varies from person to person and depends on your diet, but the effect should usually last for two years.

4.    Q: What is the difference between cold-light whitening and other method of whitening?
A: This technique whitens your teeth right away and has no side effects. It does not damage your teeth, and gives the best possible results.

5.    Q: How long does treatment take with cold-light whitening?
A: in only 30 to 40 minutes, discoloration which has built up over the years will magically disappear. It takes no longer than the time it would for you to have a haircut or a manicure, or have a cup of coffee-it’s that simple!

6.    Q: How safe is cold-light whitening?
A: The cold whitening technique is absolutely safe. Because cold light at low temperature, it cannot irritate the nerves of your teeth. Also, the whitening fluid is water based and does not come into contact with your gums, and will not damage your teeth or tooth enamel.

7.    Q: After the treatment, how do I care for my white smile?
A: for the first 24 hours after the cold light whitening , avoid smoking, drinking coffee, tea, cola, red wine and other dark-colored drinks or foods. Also avoid using colored mouthwash or toothpaste.


24 September 2011



以往人们错误的认为只有到老年才会受到牙周病的困扰,其实从5岁开始,牙周病就开始“腐蚀”我 们的健康了。牙周病的早期症状不易引起重视,八成以上市民患有牙周病,研究证实:引起牙周病的牙周感染,可导致心脑血管疾病。牙周细菌产生的酶能促使体内 血栓形成,导致心脏病或中风。牙周病的患者发生冠心病的几率是正常人的1.5倍,中风的几率是正常人的2.1倍,老年肺炎与牙周病有密切关系。





专家们在对急性心肌梗死患者进行全身检查时发现,患者大多存在不同程度的口腔疾病, 这些细菌可产生内毒素并侵入血液,引起凝血机制的改变和血小板的变性,还可直接刺激血管,导致小动脉痉挛。如果冠状动脉受累,发生收缩痉挛,再加上微小血 栓的作用,就会引起中风、急性心肌梗塞的发生。约8%的感染性心内膜炎与牙周病和牙病有关。


研究发现,老年人所患肺炎与牙周疾病关系密切。口腔内的大量细菌可以被吸入肺部,导致肺炎。牙 菌斑尤其是牙周炎患者的菌斑可能是呼吸道致病菌的寄居地。口腔卫生差者慢性呼吸道疾病的发病率是口腔卫生良好者的1.77倍。研究发现,牙槽骨吸收增多使 慢性阻塞性肺病的危险性增加。






世界卫生组织制定的口腔健康标准是:“牙齿清洁;无龋齿;无疼痛感;牙龈颜色正常,无出血现 象”,按该标准,龋齿只是四个标准之一,而“无疼痛感;牙龈颜色正常,无出血现象”两个标准则指向牙齿的“土壤环境”——牙周的健康。而不是一提到“爱 牙”就是指预防虫牙。专家介绍,牙周炎可以影响心脏、肺脏、肾脏等重要脏器的功能,牙周炎患者发生冠心病、糖尿病和脑血管病的概率远远高于牙周健康人群。


18 September 2011













11 September 2011


Diabetes is a serious disease in which the body loses its ability to control the level of blood sugar in the blood. It is caused by either a deficiency in insulin production, or an inability of the body to utilize the hormone.

It is essential for diabetes to monitor and keep their condition under control. While some control their diabetes with insulin, most control it through medication, diet and exercise. In addition, if you are a diabetic, you need to keep your mouth and gums free from infection, as this may have a significant impact on the control of your diabetes.

Periodontal disease has been recently recognized as the ‘sixth’ major complication of diabetes. Diabetic have a higher prevalence of periodontal disease as well as more severe and more rapidly progressive forms of the periodontal disease than non-diabetics. Individuals with poorly controlled blood sugar levels also tend to exhibit more periodontal disease than well-controlled diabetics.

Why is gum disease significant to me as a diabetic?

As a diabetic, you have a poorer immune response to infection. If your diabetes is not well-controlled, you are more likely to have periodontal disease. You may also develop periodontal abscesses (gum boils).

periodontal abscess=gum boils

Abscesses are swellings of the gums that have become infected and are often painful. The presence of periodontal disease may also affect your body’s ability to process and use insulin. This may cause your diabetes to be more difficult to control, resulting in your periodontal disease becoming more severe than a non-diabetic.

What other symptoms may I have?

In addition to being more susceptible to periodontal disease, you may also experience:

  • Delayed wound healing (mouth ulcers, tooth sockets after extractions, oral surgical wounds)
  •   Decreased or reduced flow of saliva  
  • Burning sensation in the mouth or the tongue

These symptoms are more likely to occur if your diabetes is not well-controlled.

How can I prevent periodontal disease?

Since bacteria in plaque cause the disease, you have to

1.     Remove plaque from your teeth daily by careful, effective brushing and flossing
2.     Regular visits to your dentist. Your dentist will check the status of your gums and teeth, and perform a professional cleaning to remove the calculus and plaque that has build up in areas that have been missed out during your own cleaning.
3.     Require more frequent visits to your dentist to check for recurrence of disease and for your maintenance care if you have already been treated for periodontal disease

What must I do if I have periodontal disease?

See your dentist, or a periodontist (gum specialist).

  1. Treatment for patients with well-controlled diabetes is similar to that for non-diabetic.
        This consists of a thorough cleaning that includes scaling and root planning. 

    2. If your disease is more advanced, you may require further, more complex 

    3. It is usually advisable to schedule your appointments in the early morning after you 
       have had your breakfast. This would help to prevent severe or sudden drops in 
       your blood sugar level during treatment.


For those with problems keeping their diabetes under control, treatment for their periodontal disease is less predictable and the periodontal disease may take longer to resolve.

Dental care, which is specifically aimed at monitoring the health of the periodontal tissues and providing the necessary treatment.


09 September 2011

Dealing with SENSITIVE Teeth

The very first thing you need to do is to find out the cause of your sensitivity. Your dental professional is the perfect person to help you pin down the reason for your sensitivity and find you a solution. If your sensitivity is due to dentin exposure, then there are a number of steps that you can take to curb it:

  • Switch to a very soft bristle toothbrush

  • Brush correctly to help prevent further abrasion of the enamel and recession of the gums

  • Use a toothpaste specially formulated to help reduce sensitivity

  • Rub the toothpaste on your gums to ease the ache

In some cases your sensitivity issue may require further attention. Speak to your dentist about other measures you can take to prevent sensitivity in your teeth. Your dental professional can:

  • Apply a fluoride varnish on the sensitive areas to help strengthen the tooth

  • Prescribe a high fluoride toothpaste to use every day

  • Place a dental restoration to build up the areas that have lost enamel

06 September 2011


  1. 在妊辰期避免长期服用四环素类抗生素,在孩子8岁以前也不要给他服用四环素。因为四环素使乳牙和恒牙染色,而且这种颜色是很难去除或遮盖。
  2. 如果当地的供水已氟化得比较合理,那就不必再给您的孩子吃含氟的维他命。
  3. 避免给孩子吃含高卡路里的食物或零食,例如糖果等,因为它们会加快牙齿的龋坏。
  4. 观察您孩子有没有紧咬牙或夜磨牙的习惯。让牙医检查他们的牙齿表面有无磨损。另外,还要注意孩子有无头痛、背痛或颈痛等,这些都有可能与紧咬牙或夜磨牙有关。
  5. 如果孩子牙齿拥挤,一定要咨询牙医。早期的正畸治疗是很有效的。如果发现孩子一个恒牙萌出,但相对应的乳牙还没脱落,应马上向医生求助。
  6. 如果需要进行正畸治疗,那就要做好口腔卫生保健,并定期到牙医那里检查。另外还要避免吃精致的糖类,因为这类食物会使牙齿龋坏和变色,且不易被发现,但当带环和托槽被去除后,就会变得非常明显。
  7. 了解一下充填物的材料,它们有可能是黄金、塑胶、银汞或其他。知道充填材料能用多久和哪种材料能或应该用来给孩子做治疗。
  8. 要是前牙出现微小的崩缺或折断,可以用粘结术修复。乳牙的严重龋坏或折断有时需要做套冠来修复。对于后牙可以采用银色的或不锈钢做套冠。对前牙则可采用塑胶或复合树脂做套冠,因为颜色与牙齿相似。
  9. 如果牙齿能保留的就尽量不要拔除,最好维护牙齿的健康状态。如果乳牙提前脱落或移位,咨询您的牙医,看看这一空隙(为里牙萌出提供的空间)是否需要做保持器维持。间隙没有得到保持,以后常常需要做正畸治疗。