21 November 2011


多项研究发现,一口坏牙会增加心脏病危险。据英国(每日邮报)5 28日报道,一项新研究揭示了刷牙习惯和心脏病的关联。每天刷牙两次的人,比不注重口腔卫生的人心脏病危险更小,常刷牙,心脏好。



1.  多长时间看一次牙医
2.  每日刷牙次数
3.  既往病史

1.  62% 的人6个月看一次牙医
2.  71% 的人每天刷牙两次

在为期8年的跟踪调查中,555 名参试者患有严重心脏病,其中170例为致命性心脏病。专家发现,与每天刷牙两次者相比,从不刷牙或很少刷牙者患心脏病增加70%



04 November 2011


What does orthonagthic surgery involve? 

Basically, it is a form of controlled fracture of the facial bones to realign the lower jaw. This type of surgery improves the overall aesthetic appearance of the face as well as the bite in complicated cases. 

The actual procedure takes anywhere from two and a half to four hours, depending on the need for single or double jaw surgery, and would require one to two nights of hospitalization. Patients can return to their normal activities like eating and even non-contact sports like running is six to eight weeks.

With today’s technology, predictive facial change imagery can even be achieved using 3D CT scanning and surgical simulation software. Patients thus have a chance to see for themselves what the surgery outcome will be like, before going under the scalpel.


Although over/under-bite can be observed even from a young age, oral surgeon advises that the procedure should only be performed on patients who have reached skeletal maturity, i.e. when bones (and thus the jaws) have fully developed. Girls attain bone maturity around 14 to 15 years of age, while for boys, that is between 17 and 18 years.

The orthonaghtic surgery is relatively major, the physical and mental maturity of patient should be considered. Of course, these aspects can all be verified upon consultation, where bone scans and serial radiographs form part of the patient assessment.

Although such corrective surgery could take almost a year from consultation to full recovery, the long-term benefits outweigh the time spent. However, expert advice patients to express their esthetic goals to the surgeon to ensure a common understanding of the aesthetic outcome desired.

‘Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder’.