23 June 2013


Questions & Answer

1.   What is RCT?
Once the damaged, diseased or dead pulp is removed, the remaining space is cleaned, shaped and filled. The root canal is sealed off. It can be removed without destroying the tooth.

2.      When the RCT is needed?
  Root canal treatment is only an alternative way to save the tooth from extraction. It prolong the lifetime of a diseased tooth.

a. Severe toothache
b.Pain on biting
c. Sensitive to hot temperature, toothache relieve by cold temperature
d.Recurrent abscess/swelling
e. Trauma & tooth fracture
f. Changes in colour of tooth (yellowish/brownish)
3.      Does it hurt?
   Many endodontic procedures are performed to relieve the pain of toothaches caused by pulp inflammation or infection. All RCT will carry on under local anesthesia especially first visit.
4.      After RCT, tooth can last FOREVER?
Studies have shown that crowns can last 5 to 10 years, depending on the condition of the tooth prior to RCT and how it is taken care of。

5. What precautions I need to take to improve the    outcome?
You should continue to practice good dental hygiene and 
healthy dietary habit. The most important is to visit 
your dentist for regular check up.


Nothing, not even the most advanced bridges and implants, can truly replace your natural tooth”

Save your natural tooth should always be your first choice when dental care is needed。