27 June 2012

The Real Causes of Bad Breath

Most bad breath is caused by a group of anaerobic sulfur-producing bacteria which breed beneath the surface of the tongue,in the throat,and often in the tonsils. The bacteria react to changes in environment by producing odorous and bad tasting Volatile Sulfur Compounds (VSC's) such as Hydrogen Sulfide, Cadaverine, and Putrescine. The conditions that allow these bacteria to create sulfur odors are numerous and include a dry mouth, thick salive, smoking,alcohol,hormonal changes, certain medications,excess mucous in the throat, post nasal drip and a diet high in proteins.

You cannot remove these problem bacteria by simply scraping your tongue.These anaerobic, "oxygen hating" bacteria proliferate deep below the surface of the tongue -away from oxygen  because oxygen kills them.Tongue scraping alone removes only a tiny percentage of the culprits,which are then replaced instantly by the bacteria below the surface.

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