27 June 2012

The Real Causes of Bad Breath

Most bad breath is caused by a group of anaerobic sulfur-producing bacteria which breed beneath the surface of the tongue,in the throat,and often in the tonsils. The bacteria react to changes in environment by producing odorous and bad tasting Volatile Sulfur Compounds (VSC's) such as Hydrogen Sulfide, Cadaverine, and Putrescine. The conditions that allow these bacteria to create sulfur odors are numerous and include a dry mouth, thick salive, smoking,alcohol,hormonal changes, certain medications,excess mucous in the throat, post nasal drip and a diet high in proteins.

You cannot remove these problem bacteria by simply scraping your tongue.These anaerobic, "oxygen hating" bacteria proliferate deep below the surface of the tongue -away from oxygen  because oxygen kills them.Tongue scraping alone removes only a tiny percentage of the culprits,which are then replaced instantly by the bacteria below the surface.

15 June 2012



Q 乳牙掉了,可是恒牙却迟迟长不出来,怎么办?
  • 如果发现底下没有恒牙的牙胚,也就是说这个小孩患上先天性缺牙,缺牙的部位不会再长出新的牙齿了。
  • 如果是有恒牙的牙胚,那可能是由于上面覆盖的牙龈组织太厚及太硬了,造成新牙无法冲破而萌发出来,牙医通常都会建议进行外科手术的方法切开表面的牙龈组织,促使新牙尽早长出。
  • 还有一种情况就是两颗门牙的中间有多生牙挡着使到正常的恒牙无法萌出。这样的情形多数需要先把这颗多生牙拔除,新牙才能长出。
  • 乳牙太早因意外而掉落,恒牙牙胚发育还没完全,邻牙会倾倒向缺牙的空间 ,造成空间不足,所以会造成恒牙延迟或无法萌发出来。

Q 乳牙内怎么又长出另一颗新牙?
A 有时继生的恒牙牙胚位置并没有在乳牙的正下方,所以不会造成乳牙松落,反而长在乳牙的内或外侧,结果出现了两排牙齿的情况父母不要期待牙齿会自动脱落,一定要请牙医把乳牙拔除因牙根蛮长的,所以需要打麻醉针。当乳牙拔出后,恒牙多数会长回正确的位置去。

Q 新长的门牙之间怎么会有如此大的缝隙,怎么办?
A 父母常会担心孩子的门牙为何会这么开,其实这是非常正常的事。当门牙萌发时,它会有向外开展的现象,等到邻牙和虎牙长出的时候,再慢慢把它往中间挤,慢慢地把门牙中间的缝隙弄密。但如果虎牙长出来后还有牙缝的话,那么就请牙医检查是否门牙之间有多生牙,又或是唇系带过长。那么就需要把它拔除或切短。