30 April 2017

Why our teeth become sensitive?

Enamel is outest layer of tooth structure  which also know as protective layer of tooth. It is harder than our bone sturcture.  However, it can be wear off by many reason.

Dentin is less dense than enamel and cementum and contains microscopic tubules .
These tubules allow heat, cold, acidic or sticky foods to reach the nerves and cells inside the tooth. 

Possible causes include:
Tooth decay (cavity )
Fractured teeth
Worn filling
Gum disease
Worn tooth enamel
Exposed tooth root

Dentine Hypersensitivity 
It is a diagnosis of exclusion, reached once all other possible
explanations for the pain have been ruled out.

Signs & Symptoms
Sharp pain and sudden onset, in response to an external stimulus.
The most common trigger is cold, hot, sweet or very acidic foods
and drinks, or breathing in cold air, makes your teeth sensitive or

Causes of Dentine Hypersensitivity:

Using a hard toothbrush and brushing too aggressively / high abrasive toothpaste
Highly acidic foods and beverages
Bulimia or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
   •      Gum recession

Sensitive teeth can be treated. 
The type of treatment will depend on what is causing the
  • Desensitizing Toothpaste 
  • Fluoride gel
  • Fillings 
  • Desensitizing pastes (not used with a toothbrush) get from dentist
  • Surgical soft tissue graft (gum grafting )
  • Root canal treatment   
  • Dentcoat

Preventive is better than cure
Proper brushing technique by using
soft toothbrush and low abrasive toothpaste can prevent it from
getting worst. Between, diet modification needed to slow down
progression of tooth wear. Regular body check up and dental check

up help to maintain our healthy and quality life.