Wisdom teeth are the third molars,
at the back of the mouth. Sometimes, they can grow into place normally
and never cause a problem. However, often there is not enough room for
them in the mouth and they might crowd other teeth and even push sideways
through the gums.
The signs & symptoms when a wisdom tooth is
Pain and
swelling of the gum overlying the impaction- due to infection of the operculum
Bad breath-
origin from infection or food debris building up at the impacted tooth
Oozing of
pus from the swollen gum area and it will cause bad taste or bad breath
and limited mouth opening
when chewing/biting
Ulcer or
pain at the inner cheeks- the cusp tip of impacted tooth may digging into soft
tissue or cheeks
Why do they need to be extracted?
This may be necessary for a few
The wisdom tooth may be partially erupted and infected or
2. A poorly positioned
wisdom tooth may crowd or damage the tooth in front of it.
3. A cyst may have
formed around an unerupted wisdom tooth. This destroys the bone surrounding the